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Logo - Desilva - sieć hoteli w Polsce

Functions in DeSilva Poznań

The restaurant of the DeSilva Premium Poznań Hotel is an excellent place for holding family celebrations like christening and first communion. Outstanding interiors, excellent cuisine combined with the welcoming staff will make every occasion comfortable and unique.

Family banquets

Family functions


Great moments fill the lives of every one of us, and we want to cherish memories of them after enjoying them with the ones we love. You can celebrate these moments in our hotel sitting together by the table and delighting in our specially prepared menu and superb service.

Przyjęcia Poznań

Christening celebrations

The christening day is this phenomenal occasion in the lives of the parents, so deeply experienced by your little ones.


A wonderful ambience of the DeSilva Premium restaurant and our proficient team will ensure an extraordinary setting for you on this day.
We will organise a reception of your dreams and highlight this special gathering with suitable decorations.

First communion celebrations

Celebrating your child’s first communion is one of the most important days both for the child and parents.


The nature of this special occasion requires a proper setting and preparations. Our staff will take over the job of lengthy arrangements and see to every detail of the celebration.

Funeral repasts

Let our staff take care of the goodbye party to be organised proficiently and proceed peacefully.


If you are interested in our offer, please contact us to prepare an offer according to your expectations.

Contact :
phone: +48 668 873 717
e-mail: sales.poznan@desilva.pl

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